Saturday, February 27, 2010

It's been so long since I created my blog I sorta forgot how to sign in and create another post.
Crises averted as here I am.

I have given a lot of thought to blogging, instead of actually doing it. Is it pretentious? Is it necessary? Do I have anything of any worth to share? Does it really require this much thought?

I suppose the answers in my mind are, possibly, no, unlikely, and definately not.

I am cynical and self depreciating enough to wonder whether it hasn't all just been said before and said better but have enough ego to warrant having a go anyway.

Most blogs seem to have a definate focus. The only ones I have read have been written by mothers and seem to encompass, craft, living sustainably, gardening, child raising and house decorating. So you know where my interest lies. There are lots of interesting blogs out there covering these topics, lots of funny, crafty great blogs. I hope to follow some soon when I get the hang of this medium. point being though, LOTS of blogs. with that in mind I segue ( sp?) into the topoic that will hopefully give me my individual niche in blogland.

This year for me is my big University year. So I think this blog for me may become my journal of that. I will be a studying single mother with three girl children. I am a widowed single mother, and that may also come across in my voice. The wealth of single mother posts online seem to cover much scope, from bitter to inspiration however there is an awful lot of banter regarding child visitation and the 'ex' that just doesn't apply to my situation.
I hope my voice comes out inspirational rather than bitter. I hope my voice comes out, considering I am facing a full time study load. [ insert small freak out here]

I am working on the photo thing too. ok that is a lie. I hate funning about with photos online and will procrastinate about doing it. But they do make things look prettier and more interesting. If anyone ever *reads* me. I might think about it.


1 comment:

  1. oh bother that will teach me to spell check! pick out my mistakes and win a gold star ( kidding)

    off to find the edit button....
